Jack Roberts is an artist based in the UK. Their work is an ongoing phenomenological, queer, awkward and circuitous study of painting. This regards the ontology, history and practicalities of the painted surface, and above all its complicated relationship to the image. By taking a fragmentary approach, the work is allowed to be in a state of constant provisionality. They primarily make small paintings, finding that small scale visual objects read as less tangential to our common experiences of visual stimuli, such as books, laptops and computers. 

Solo exhibitions


‘Downward-facing, innermost, forever.’, Michael Pennie Gallery, Bath, UK

Group exhibitions


Bath Spa University Degree Show, Locksbrook Campus, Bath, UK

‘Oscillations’, 44AD artspace, Bath, UK


‘me & you, us & them’, Michael Pennie Gallery, Bath, UK

Awards and publications


Essay by Alexander Harding to accompany ‘Downward-facing, innermost, forever.’ (click to view)

‘A doubt that moves, Four contemporary artists in response to Philip Guston’ (edited)


Peter Kinley Painting Prize

Selected talks


Talk at BSU as part of their ‘I am an artist’ day, Locksbrook Campus, Bath, UK


WEEVA Wednesday: Recipes for Making, Locksbrook Campus, Bath, UK


Panel conversation for ‘me & you, us & them’, The Michael Pennie Gallery, Bath, UK


BA (Hons) Fine Art with Foundation Year, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK, 2019-2023

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